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Seminar Promotion Resources

SermonView has partnered with many of today's top Christian seminars so that your church can use your event as a community outreach experience. From invitation cards to banners and mailers, we'll help you find the best ways to invite your neighbors to be a part of whatever event your hosting.

Event Promotional Resources

A Pale Horse Rides is a three-part experience from the Voice of Prophecy specifically designed to bring people from your community through the doors of your church. Pastor Shawn Boonstra delves into the 1,200 years between the merger of the Christian church with Roman rule, and the beginning of Martin Luther’s Reformation. Discover a remnant tribe of barbarians who find Christ and their faith outside the confines of the religious movement

A Pale Horse Rides resources are available for customization.  Learn More

Shadow Empire is a turn-key series about Constantine, who ignited a global movement when he united Christianity with Roman power. Discover how this one action altered the way we think about religious freedom—and what it means for our lives today.Shadow Empire has proven to be successful at reaching out to new members of your community.

Shadow Empire resources are available for customization.  Learn More

Laugh Your Way, America! is a biblically based, Christian organization who believes that healthy marriages and families are the foundation of a successful society. We believe that laughter is one of the greatest avenues of reaching people's hearts and stimulating them to open up to fresh, new ideas. By coupling humor with biblically based...

Laugh Your Way resources are available for customization.  Learn More

Are you madly in love -- or just plain mad? Mike and Gayle examine some of the issues that can derail marriages. They draw on current research and the expertise of a variety of scholars, authors and psychologists to find solutions to the problems.

There are some "big" issues that have a very destructive effect on marriage. Some of these issues are...

Mad about Marriage seminar resources are available for customization.  Learn More

Regardless of your religious tradition, you've probably heard many conflicting teachings about Jesus. But what did Jesus have to say about himself and what did he teach about his church? You might be surprised!

Derek J. Morris is an internationally known speaker and writer-author of the best-selling books The Radical Prayer and Radical Protection.

Radical Teachings DVD and resources are available.  Learn More

Here's your church's opportunity to utilize a fully-packaged evangelism series with a message perfect for your local community. Living with Hope takes much of the work out of local church evangelism. Living with Hope is a complete 16-part evangelistic seminar focused on...

Living with Hope evangelistic resources are available for customization.  Learn More

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